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№7/8 2018


МАХАТОВ Б. Кластер промислового тваринництва Казахстану

Анотація. Висвітлені засоби формування і функціонування кластера промислового тваринництва, який забезпечує замкнений цикл тваринницької продукції, її переробку та реалізацію, що сприяє збільшенню споживання населенням поживних харчових продуктів, таких як молоко, м’ясо, ковбаси та інші готові м'ясо-молочні продукти.

Ключові слова: кластеризція, тваринництво, продукти, безпека, якість, конкурентоздатність.


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ДАСТАНБЕК БАЙМУКАНОВ. Голштинизация по-казахски: опыт выведения заводского типа молочного скота ..............16


ДАНЧУК В., ТОКАРЧУК Т. Показники антиоксидантного статусу в сироватці крові поросят за використання вітаміну Е і цитратів Zn, Fe та Ge

Анотація. Період відлучення поросят від свиноматок є критичним етапом у технології виробництва свинини у промислових умовах. Дія стрес- факторів та утворення вільних радикалів у організмі тварин призводять до порушення обміну речовин та загибелі поросят за умов їх раннього відлучення. Таке явище у свинарстві вимагає застосування мінераловмістних та антиоксидантних препаратів для поросят. Вітчизняними науковцями розроблено нові препарати вітаміну Е та цитратів Zn, Fe та Ge. Проте не досліджено їх впливу на показники антиоксидантного статусу у сироватці крові поросят за раннього їх відлучення від свиноматок. Доведено, що за випоювання препарату вітаміну Е та внутрішньом’язового введення комплексу цитратів Zn, Fe та Ge у дозі 2,5 мл та 3,0 мл на 10 кг маси тіла за три доби до відлучення від свиноматок і на четверту добу після їх відлучення сприяє зменшенню активності супероксиддисмутази у сироватці крові на 28 та 35 добу життя тварин. За таких самих умов застосування досліджуваних препаратів виявлено зниження активності каталази у сироватці крові тварин на 28 та 35 добу життя. Виявлено тенденцію щодо зменшення вмісту церулоплазміну у сироватці крові поросят із дослідних груп.

Ключові слова: супероксиддисмутаза, каталаза, поросята, вітамін Е, цитрати Zn, Fe та Ge, церулоплазмін, антиоксидантний статус.

Indicators of antioxidant status in blood cerum under vitamin E and ZN, FE, GE citrates use. TETYANA S. TOKARCHUK State agrarian and engineering university in podilya, Kamyanets-Podilsky

Summary. Pig breeding industry intensification involves early weaning of piglets from sows (14, 21 and 28 days of life). A number of biological peculiarities of pigs along with stress factors in pigs cause technological necessity of obligatory application of antioxidant and mineral-based preparations for the animals. The influence of Zn, Fe, Ge citrates and Vitamin Z on the antioxidant status in piglets serum remains unstudied. The trace elements of Ferum, Zinc and Germanium in the body of animals have a broad biological significance. Ferum takes an active part in tissues Oxygen saturation and is an irreplaceable component of hemoglobin of animals and humans. Lack of this metalbiotic in the first days of life of piglets is compensated by conducting ferrumcontaining injectable preparations of organic and inorganic origin. Germanium takes part in Oxygen transfer to tissues, reduces the level of blood hypoxia, activates specific cells of immunity and macrophages. The element has antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Zinc metal-biotic influences young animals growth and development, carbohydrates and proteins metabolism, bone formation and reproductive function. Zinc oxide is used in the suckling period for intestinal diseases prophylaxis. Ferum, Germanium and vitamin E have an effect on the oxidative-reduction processes occurring in the animals bodies. Germanium and vitamin E, in turn, have antioxidant properties. The paper aims to determine the effect of the use of vitamin E and the complex of trace elements (Zn, Fe and Ge) citrates on the parameters of antioxidant status in piglets serum. To conduct the research on the efficiency of vitamin E and the complex of trace elements (Zn, Fe and Ge) citrates, four experimental groups of suckers and a control one were formed. Each group amounted 20 animals. The control group piglets did not additionally drink the vitamin E preparation and they were not injected the trace elements citrates complex. Three days prior to the weaning the suckers of the experimental group 1 were watered the preparation of vitamin E at a dosed of 4.5 mg per 10 kg of live weight. The were watered for 24 hours. Animals from of experimental groups 2,3 and 4 were similarly treated with the vitamin E preparation at the same dose as in the control. In addition, they were injected respectively, 2.0 ml, 2.5 and 3.0 ml of complex of trace elements (Zn, Fe and Ge) citrates twice per 10 kg of body mass in the femoral muscle. The piglets were injected the complex of trace elements citrates introduced three days prior to weaning and on the fourth day after weaning. The complex of Zn, Fe and Ge citrates was injected into the inner part of thigh. The experimental animals blood was taken for biochemical studies in 24, 28, 35 and 50 days. The pigs were weaned from sows on the 28th day of their life. The weigh of piglets in groups was 8.6-8.7 kg by the weaning. SOD activity the control group piglets blood serum was 4.94 standard units / ml. Prior to the injection of the studied drugs, the SOD activity in animals from experimental groups was at the level of the control. On 24th day, the activity of the KAT enzyme in the piglets from the control group was 540.1 RPa / ml. The deviation of the enzyme activity in the blood serum of the experimental groups ranged from 0.3% (experimental group 3) to 1.0% (experimental group 4), which did not exceed the error magnitude. No difference between the values CP of in the serum of experimental pigs and the control group at the 24th day of their life was established. Thus, the activity of KAT, SOD and CP content in the experimental groups suckers serum on the 24th day was almost the same as in the control, which confirmed the correctness of the selection of analogue groups. Consequently, the activity of the SOD enzyme in the blood serum (control group) increases as a response to the excessive concentrations of free superoxide radicals during the weaning period. The injection of citrates and the preparation of vitamin E contributes to the reduction of the formation of superoxide radicals, which is confirmed by a decrease of SOD activity in the experimental piglets serum. No significant difference in the activity of KATI in experimental and control groups pigs serum was detected on the 50th day of life. Applying the complex of trace elements citrates and the release of the vitamin E preparation revealed a reduction in the content of ceruloplasmin (CP) in piglets from the third and fourth experimental groups at an unlikely size. The application of the complex of trace elements citrates caused a tendency to decrease CP in serum in serum of pigs of the experimental groups 2, 3 and 4. It was found that without the use of drugs during weaning and in the first 7-8 days after weaning (control group) in animals, the content of CP in serum is increased as a response to the stress and increase of oxidative processes in the piglets body. The tendency towards reducing CP serum in serum from experimental groups animals relative to control is evidence of an effective antioxidant action of vitamin E and a complex of Zinc, Ferum and Germanium citrates. Consequently, the injection of the complex of trace elements citrates and the vitamin E preparation contributes to the reduction of the formation of superoxide radicals on the 28th and 35th day of life of animals, and the watering pigs with vitamin E and the double intramuscular administration of a complex of Zn, Fe and Ge trace elements citrates results in a decrease in the activity of catalase in blood serum of animals on the 28th and 35th day of life. Under these conditions, there is a tendency towards reducing the serum concentrations of ceruloplasmin in the experimental groups animals serum.

Key words: superoxide dismutase, catalase, piglets, vitamin E, Zn, Fe and Ge citrates, ceruloplasmin, antioxidant status.


ЖУКОВ А. Долгая и продуктивная жизнь коровы



ТОЛКАЧ Н. Чем заменить на практике запрещенные ветеринарные препараты?


ДИРК ХЕМБЕРГ. Мастит: в поисках причин


ВОЛЫХИНА В. Европейский гнилец у пчел



КОСТОУСОВ В. Диета для карпа


Категорія: Матеріали | Додав: Леонов (2018-10-24) | Автор: ТУ №7/8 2018 E W
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